Books 2016

  1. Ray Bradbury “Dandelion Wine” 
  2. Paco Underhill “Why we’re buying”. Audio  
  3. Hagacure. Audio  
  4. John Maeda. Simplicity. Audio  
  5. Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” I  
  6. Gene Zelazny “Say it with Charts” 
  7. Robin Sharma “Monk who sold his Ferrari”. Audio  
  8. Robert Moore “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover” 
  9. M. Bulgakov “Master & Margarita”. Audio  
  10. V. Tarasov “Technology of Life”. Audio  
  11. Björn Leimbach “Masculinity”
  12. Mark Manson „Models“ 
  13. Johas Ridderstrale “Funky Business”. Audio  
  14. Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” II  
  15. N.Branden “How to raise self-confidence” 
  16. Robert Cialdini “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”. Audio  
  17. Tim J. Smith “Pricing Strategy” 
  18. Ries Trout “Marketing Warfare” 
  19. Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” III  
  20. Stefan Liozu „Pricing Journey“ 
  21. James Allen „As a man thinkenth“. Audio  
  22. Kitami Masao „Swordless samurai“ 
  23. Carl Sewell „Customers for life“ 
  24. Arnold Schwarzenegger „Total recall“ 
  25. Lothar Seiwert „1×1 of Time Management“ 
  26. Ashlee Vance „Elon Musk“ 
  27. Karen Berg „Self-Sabotage“. Audio  
  28. Erich Fromm. „Art of Loving“. Audio  
  29. Tim Ferris. „4-hours week“ 
  30. Stefan Liozu „ROI of pricing“ 
  31. Ayn Rand „Fountainhead“ I  
  32. Chuck Palahniuk „Choke“ 
  33. Ayn Rand „Fountainhead“ II